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World War II Honoree

World War II Veteran

Val Stanley Zdun

Branch of Service

U.S. Merchant Marine


Chester, Pennsylvania

Honored By

Mr. John Zdun



Branch Seal
Activity During WWII

Awarded the U.S. Merchant Marine Meritorious Service Medal for his service onboard the MS SUN. While berthed in Bari, Italy, the tanker MS Sun was placed in serious jeopardy when an adjacent liberty ship, with a capacity cargo of bombs, exploded. Because of the resulting fire, which spread to the bombs, ammunition and gasoline stowed on the docks, the Captain gave orders to shift berth to the outer harbor. Noting that the dock hands had fled from the vicinity Zdun, without waiting for orders dove over the stern, swam ashore, climbed to the dock and let go the six heavy manila mooring lines. With great difficulty he then managed to return to the ship. His courage, quick thinking and alert actions contributed greatly to the safety of the ship and crew and will be a lasting inspiration to all seamen of the U. S. Merchant Marine.