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World War II Honoree

World War II Veteran

Herbert Aldrete

Branch of Service

U.S. Army


Del Rio, Texas

Honored By

Ruben Aldrete and Rita Villa


Son and Daughter

Branch Seal
Activity During WWII

Inducted on January 16, 1942. He was trained initially in Fort Lawton, Oklahoma and then he went for further training in Fort Riley, Kansas. There, he worked with 1,000 horses until his unit was mechanized. He served in the 9th ARMORED Division, Company B, 73rd Armored Field Artillery. HE WENT ON furlough to CALIFORNIA AND THEN WAS deployed to Europe. Traveled on the Queen Mary from California to Glasgow, Scotland. HIS job was communications. Ran telephone wires so that the forward observers could report to headquarters where the Germans were. During his time in Europe he SERVED in England, France, Belgium and Germany.