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World War II Honoree

Killed in World War II

Gerald James A'Hearn

Branch of Service

U.S. Army


Waukon, Iowa

Honored By

Orville L. Kline

Branch Seal
Activity During WWII

Rank: Corporal. On January 31, 1942, he entered the United States Army with his induction at Fort Meade, Maryland. Deployed to Great Britain with the Seventh Armored Division after the completion of his Boot Camp and Tank training at Camp Polk, Louisiana. Served as a Machine Gunner, assigned to Company-C, Seventeenth Tank Battalion, an element of the Seventh Armored Division, attached to the U.S. Third Army. His division participated in the Battle of Overloon, invasion of the Netherlands against the German Armed forces (Battle Dates: September 30-October 18, 1944). Killed in Action October 5, 1944 when his tank burst into flames after being struck by a German anti-tank gun shell. He was buried in a common grave along with two of his tank crew members. The burial took place at the battlefield cemetery in Neuville, Belgium. After the cessation of hostilities in Europe, the remains of these three soldiers were laid to rest December 6, 1950 at the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky. This American Patriot was awarded the Purple Heart posthumously, for his ultimate sacrifice in defense of his country.