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World War II Honoree

Killed in World War II

Charles R. Albert

Branch of Service

U.S. Army Air Force


New York, New York

Honored By

William David Wilson, 6th Bomb Group Assn.

Branch Seal
Activity During WWII

He was the Left Blister Gunner on the B-29 'The Bad Penny', Serial #44-69675. Served in the 40th Squadron, 6th Bomb Group (B-29) stationed on Tinian in the Mariana Islands. Lost on March 28, 1945, on a Night Mining Mission to the Shimonoseki Straits of Japan. Five minutes after 'Bombs Away' the crew sent a distress message telling of one engine out, but this was the last report received. Twelve search sorties were flown by the Sixth Bomb Group with only negative results. The crew was never found. Memorialized at the National Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu. He was awarded the Soldier's Medal, Air Medal and Purple Heart Medal.