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World War II Honoree

Killed in World War II

John Edward 'Jack' Adkins

Branch of Service

U.S. Army Air Force


Battle Creek, Michigan

Honored By

Sam E. Pennartz

Branch Seal
Activity During WWII

Navigator, B-29 Superfortress #42-6452, 679th Bomber Squadron, 444th Bombardment Group (VH), 58th Bomb Wing, XX Bomber Command, 20th Air Force, USAAF at Kharagpur Airfield, West Bengal, India; China-Burma-India (CBI) Theatre of Operations. On 7 August 1944, his aircraft was enroute to a bombing mission when the #4 engine caught fire and crashed near Agartala, India. He bailed-out, but became entangled in his parachute shroud-lines and drowned when he landed in a river. His body was recovered on the following day, and buried with full military honors at nearby Tezgaon Army Air Field, India.